Goldfish Don’t Yawn, by Gram Davies

Goldfish Don’t Yawn

Surprised to find you listening still to this.
Though expectation is the toy of Fate,
by now, I thought, you would have caught my drift.

What you anticipate: I gave you it.
I am, considering I’ve spent the bait,
surprised to find you listening still to this.

I hate to think my readership are fish,
it’s rude. I would have given up the wait
by now. I thought you would have caught my drift.

Self-referencing the author, how ironic;
Writing is a conversation. Great.
Surprised to find you listening still to this.

Devices like economy and thrift
are wasted, aren’t we bored of rhyme
by now? I thought you would have caught my drift.

Don’t call me villain in my eagerness
to cut it short, as I’m, at any rate,
surprised to find you listening still to this—
by now I thought ok ok we get it